Home UHR
UHR is the professional association for HR professionals in HE. Representing HR to government departments, funding agencies and other stakeholders, UHR provides research, information, analysis and case studies, contributing to policy formulation and debate within and beyond HE, including the ‘Diamond’ reviews. UHR makes awards for business efficiency in people management; undertakes research; disseminates good practice through events and publications; and provides top quality people management development and networks.
Further information: uhr.ac.uk
Sandra Heidinger: Measuring up at Strathclyde
With a clutch of awards for its business process improvement work, the University of Strathclyde’s achievements are getting UK-wide recognition. The university’s HR director Sandra Heidinger talks to Rosie Niven about how empowering staff is the key to organisational success.
Kim Frost: ‘I find human behaviour to be the most fascinating subject’
Attracting and keeping staff in one of the most expensive cities in the world is a challenge. Kim Frost, director of human resources at the University of London, and chair of Universities Human Resources, tells us about how working efficiently can help to meet this challenge.
Navigating a pathway through transition
When a new academic management structure was embedded at the University for the Creative Arts, a collaborative initiative was launched to support staff to achieve positive cultural transition. The outcome was a package of resources including a toolkit to guide staff through significant organisational change.
Employee engagement toolkit for higher education
UCEA and UHR have worked in partnership to develop a toolkit on employee engagement specifically for the HE sector.
The project was jointly funded by...